My Projects

Fredrick Alli

Below are some of the data analysis, machine learning, and Power BI projects I've worked on.

Cryptocurrency Prediction

Developed a predictive model to forecast cryptocurrency price trends using historical data, advanced machine learning algorithms, and time-series analysis.

  • Tech Stack: Python, Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, RaandomForestRegressor, Flask
  • Focus: Price forecasting, feature engineering, model evaluation
  • Outcome: Improved forecasting accuracy by applying Random forest Regressor model and built the application using flask.

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Cryptocurrency Prediction

Book Genre Classification

Built a text classification model to automatically label books by genre based on their descriptions and metadata, using NLP techniques.

  • Tech Stack: Python, scikit-learn, NLP libraries (NLTK/spacy), Pandas, Flask
  • Focus: Text preprocessing, vectorization (CountVectorizer, TF-IDF), classification algorithms
  • Outcome: Achieved high accuracy in predicting genres, demonstrating the model’s potential for automated categorisation.

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Book Genre Classification

Heart Attack Prediction

Leveraged machine learning algorithms to predict the likelihood of heart attacks based on clinical and laboratory data, improving early detection and healthcare outcomes.

  • Tech Stack: Python (Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn), Jupyter Notebook, Streamlit
  • Focus: Classification (Random Forest, Logistic Regression), model evaluation (ROC, AUC)
  • Outcome: Provided actionable insights for healthcare professionals by identifying high-risk patients with significant accuracy.

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Heart Attack Prediction

Netflix Recommendation System

Created a content-based filtering system to suggest movies and TV shows based on user preferences and metadata similarity, enhancing the user experience.

  • Tech Stack: Python, Pandas, scikit-learn, CountVectorizer
  • Focus: Cosine similarity, content-based filtering, feature extraction
  • Outcome: Delivered relevant recommendations by analysing plot overviews, genres, and user ratings.

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 Netflix Recommendation System

Total Call Centre Cases Forecast

Implemented SARIMA and Prophet models to predict call volumes for a call centre, enabling resource optimisation and improved staffing.

  • Tech Stack: Python, Pandas, NumPy, statsmodels, Prophet, SARIMA
  • Focus: Time-series forecasting, model selection (SARIMA vs. Prophet), hyperparameter tuning
  • Outcome: Increased forecasting accuracy and allowed management to reduce wait times by better scheduling staff.

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 Total Call Centre Cases Forecast

Credit Card Fraud Detection

Developed a classification model to detect fraudulent credit card transactions. Utilised advanced machine learning techniques and model comparison to accurately identify suspicious activity and reduce financial losses.

  • Tech Stack: Python, scikit-learn, PyCaret, Flask
  • Focus: Classification metrics, model comparison (e.g., Ensemble methods, Random Forest, LightGBM), feature engineering
  • Outcome: Achieved high accuracy in identifying fraudulent transactions, significantly reducing false positives and enhancing financial security.

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 Total Call Centre Cases Forecast